Saturday, March 23, 2013

Review of Guide to Grammar & Wrtitng

For my CEP 811 class, I was given the task of evaluating a material I found on Merlot and quickly decided to check out Guide to Grammar & Writing. Since almost any mention to grammar, writing, and  especially writing sends my students into a panicked frenzy which makes them hide under their desks, any material I can use to help my students grasp the various concepts of grammar is readily and happily accepted. Upon first glance, I really like the program and am looking forward to utilizing it with my students. The official review follows. The questions are in bold while my comments are in plain text.

  1. What stage(s) in the learning process/cycle could the materials be used?
    1. Explanation or description of the topic/stating the problem
    2. Demonstration of the curriculum/exploration of the problem
    3. Practice using the curriculum/analysis of the outcomes from solving the problem
  2. What is(are) the learning objective(s)? What should students be able to do after successfully learning with the materials? Students should have a better grasp of not only basic rules of grammar and writing, but also how to prepare and produce essays. 
  3. What are the characteristics of the target learner(s) This page is wide open and can EASILY be useful for students of all ages, though would be be suited for middle school learners through college.
  4. Does the interactive/media-rich presentation of material improve faculty and students' abilities to teach and learn the materials? I would say "yes," though the page is as much of a doorway as it is a tool in and of itself. 
  5. Can the use of the software be readily integrated into current curriculum and pedagogy within the discipline?  Yes and no. In terms of proper essay productions, it is readily and easily applicable. While grammar, and as a result, clear and cohesive communication, is an invaluable skill, it rarely pops up in junior high and high school curricula. This is a shame and hase been a thorn in the paw of several English teachers including me. That being said, most do find ways to incorporate grammar into various lessons. This would be a great tool.
  6. Can the software be used in a variety of ways to achieve teaching and learning goals? Very much so! Simple reviews, interactive quizzes, powerpoint presentations and even section where students can submit their own questions are all included.
  7. Are the teaching-learning goals easy to identify? Yes.
  8. Can good learning assignments for using the software application be written easily? Very easily!
Ease of Use:
  1. Are the labels, buttons, menus, text, and general layout of the computer interface consistent and visually distinct? Yes.
  2. Does the user get trapped in the material? Unfortunately yes. A "home" button would be nice, though it's pretty easy to backtrack using the back button.
  3. Can the user get lost easily in the material? This may be a hazard, though that is simply because the quantity of material presented on the page.
  4. Does the module provide feedback about the system status and the user's responses? Not that I easily saw.
  5. Does the module provide appropriate flexibility in its use? Yes (see previous responses for examples).
  6. Does the learning material require a lot of documentation, technical support, and/or instruction for most students to successfully use the software? No
  7. Does the material present information in ways that are familiar for students? Yes. The sections, especially on the parts of speech are in a format very similar to textbooks.
  8. Does the material present information in ways that would be attractive to students? Frankly it does, but only inasmuch as the average student can get excited about and be attracted to grammar and composition.


  1. My students are allergic to writing! Editing for spelling errors and grammatical mistakes is like pulling hen's teeth. Every time I mention "revising" my students look at me like I have green hair growing out of my ears. This resource sounds intriguing - I'm going to put it on my back burner until Spring Break, when I will have more time to peruse it.

  2. Nice work Lenny. As a person that always has struggled with grammar, I think I would have benefited form being in your class and how you approach instruction.

  3. This look great Lenny. I incorporate a great deal of grammar and writing in my social studies curriculum. Seems like this would be a great tool to model what acceptable grammar usage should look like in all content areas. When I mark students down for grammar mistakes I often hear "This is not english class why does it matter?" I also do a lot of writing with my 7th graders and I can see this being a great way to set a standard for them as well. Thanks Lenny!
