Sunday, April 21, 2013

StAIR Final Revision

One of the things we've learned a lot about in my CEP 811 is the use of StAIRs (Stand Alone Instructional Resources). Since I don't like doing things in class (learning) that I can't readily apply to my class (teaching) I did one on "Julius Caesar" by William Shakespeare. It took a lot of work and a lot of research, but I think I put the finishing touches on it. So ladies and gentlemen... make a drum roll noise. Seriously... make the noise! C'm'on! I could be learning some crazy programming that uses the mics in your computers to sense drum roll noises, you don't know. Man! How hard is it to play along! Fine then! Oh well, you're loss. It would've been cool, but you'll never know. Here it is.

"Julius Caesar" Speech Analysis StAIR

I also uploaded this to in case others teachers would like to use this. Here is the link to that.

1 comment:

  1. You have done a fabulous job of posting your StAIR to Merlot and your blog. I thought you did a thorough job on describing it and assigning the keywords and categories in your MERLOT description. This was exactly what I was hoping to see for this assignment. Nicely done ~ Susan
